
  1. Noun prevention
  2. checking
  3. stopping
  4. block
  5. initial lead
United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft Noun, International Law
infection prevention Noun, Medicine
infection prevention and control Noun, Medicine
disaster control
containment Noun
crackdown on strikes
noise prevention
noise prevention
(accident insurance) claim prevention
(accident insurance) claim prevention
theft prevention
theft prevention
industrial accident prevention
accident prevention
pollution prevention Noun, Environment-Ecology
rust prevention
crime prevention
flood prevention
terror prevention Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
air interception
fire prevention
initial lead
preventive search Noun, Public Administration
preventive wiretapping Noun, Criminal Law
inhibit signal
anti-ballistic missile
(US) anti-ballistic missile
to offer a determined opposition to a measure Verb
regulations for preventing collisions at sea
disaster prevention council
to use every precaution Verb
accident prevention system Noun
rule for the prevention of accidents
rule for prevention of accidents
Section of Environmental Problem Prevention Noun, Organizations
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Proper Name, Organizations
Regulation on the Prevention, Extinguishing and Rescue Measures Against Fires that Start on Land, Fires
that Start in the Sea, in a Port or on the Coast and may Reach the Land, and Spread, or Those that Start on the Land and May Reach the Coast, a Port or the Sea
Proper Name, Law