
  1. Noun malfunction
  2. trouble
  3. failure
  4. accident
  5. fault
  6. profile
  7. breakdown
  8. defect
  9. hitch
  10. defection
  11. unevenness
  12. ruggedness
  13. tie-up
  14. Noun outage
  15. crack
  16. roughness of a country
  17. (mus) accidental
  18. jam-up
dislocation of bread supplies
common fault
towing ambulance Noun
recovery vehicle Noun
wreckling truck Noun
trouble truck Noun
trouble shooting
trouble- shoot
diagnostic system
lineman Communication
trouble shooter
trouble finder
hard dump
breakdown service
failure prediction
fault location program (me)
car in distress
to go out of order Verb
to fail Verb
to break down Verb
failure prediction
telephone fault (s) man

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Sakatlık, hastalık

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