1. traffic
ocean traffic
rush-hour traffic İsim, Ulaşım
trans s hipment traffic
transhipment traffic
transshipping traffic
commutation passenger traffic
arterial traffic
interbank clearings
interbank clearings
way traffic
suburban traffic
toll traffic
inward traffic of a port
extraterritorial air traffic
big-city traffic
lively dealings
office-hour traffic
charter traffic
charter traffic
sea traffic
interstate transport
intrastate transport
ship traffic
vessel traffic services İsim, Denizcilik
general clearing
general payments
emigrant traffic
daily emplanement
liner service
air traffic
aircraft transport
air service
aerial traffic
river navigation
inland water navigation
excursion traffic
movement of persons
business traffic
weekday traffic
canal traffic
surface traffic
highway traffic
land transport
highway traffic
(Br) short distance goods traffic
short distance goods traffic
(Br) short-distance goods traffic
short-distance (goods) traffic
short-distance freight traffic
container traffic
cross- border traffic
store traffic
letter traffic
letter traffic
inland water transport
inland air traffic
motor vehicle traffic
ocean traffic
motor traffic
motorway traffic
less than carload traffic
(US) less-than-carload traffic
less-than-carload traffic
retail traffic
postal traffic
competitive traffic
rush-hour traffic İsim, Ulaşım
page traffic
shipment traffic
shipping traffic
frontier traffic
border traffic
street traffic
waterborne traffic
traffic in a town
town traffic
city traffic
local traffic
(telephone) trunk traffic
trunk traffic İletişim
vehicular traffic
vehicular traffic
holiday traffic
telecommunication traffic
radio traffic
Convention on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents İsim, Uluslararası Hukuk
ocean transport
transit traffic
traffic in transit
railway traffic
rail traffic
coaching traffic
tourist traffic
consumer traffic
airline traffic
International maritime traffic
r o road traffic
international clearings
narcotics traffic
trunk traffic
long-distance transport
long-distance traffic
pedestrian traffic
(local) frontier traffic
road traffic
passenger traffic
internal air traffic
goods traffic
freight traffic
merchandise traffic
luggage traffic
short haul freight
inland traffic
home traffic
crowded with traffic
heavy traffic
intercity traffic
interurban traffic
local traffic
heavy traffic
peak- hour traffic
traffic island İsim
street island İsim
transport network
flow of traffic
stream of traffic
through traffic
traffic treaty
traffic arteries İsim
traffic artery İsim
traffic increase
ticket İsim, Karayolu Taşımacılığı
traffic ticket
traffic patrol
traffic discipline
traffic arrangement
traffic instruction
(US) traffic education
transport economist
impediment to traffic
traffic difficulties İsim
(US) traffic safety
volume of traffic
traffic lights İsim
traffic infringment
traffic taker
transport development
traffic law
transport bill
traffic snarl İsim
transportation facilities İsim
road check
traffic duty
traffic regulations İsim
traffic rules İsim
transportation committee
traffic beacon İsim
traffic post İsim
traffic officer
(US) traffic engineer
traffic engineer
requirements of traffic
traffic planning
transport planning
traffic regulator
transportation policy İsim
traffic policy İsim
transportation problem
traffic congestion
traffic tie-up
traffic tangel
traffic insurance İsim
traffic problem
motoring offence
(Br) motoring offence
traffic lane
transportation department İsim
traffic department İsim
direction of the traffic
traffic hazard
traffic holdup
traffic block
traffic density
density of traffic
vehicular road
traffic corridor
traffic route

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Kara, deniz ve hava ulaşım taşıtlarının ... üzerindeki gidiş gelişi, seyrüsefer