
  1. figure
  2. show
  3. appearance
  4. display
  5. reading
  6. challenge
  7. parade
  8. luxury
  9. bubble
  10. ornament
  11. dash
  12. blind
  13. splash
  14. guise
  15. Noun vanity
  16. showing
  17. flourish
  18. shadow
  19. pretension
  20. bravery
  21. glitter
  22. blare
  23. pomp
  24. panache
  25. magnificence
  26. apparition
  27. tinsel
  28. ostentation
  29. razzmatazz
  30. flamboyance
  31. flatulence
  32. grandiosity
  33. stateliness
  34. moonshine
  35. swank
  36. veneer
  37. demonstrating
  38. prospection
  39. false front
  40. grease paint
  41. flaunt
  42. circumstance
  43. pretense
  44. meretriciousness
  45. production
  46. monkey tricks
  47. no parade
  48. stiltedness
  49. put on
  50. labored
  51. show off
  52. ornamentality
  53. showiness
  54. poshness
  55. showing off
  56. imposing appearance
  57. striking appearance
  58. show-up
  59. splendure
  60. Noun airs and graces
  61. sparkishness
  62. swankiness
  63. éclat
  64. whoop-de-do
  65. snazziness
  66. imposingness
glitzy Adjective
mere show
ostentatious Adjective
vanity fair Noun
conspicuous consumption
ostentatious Adjective
set piece Noun
pretentious Adjective
to swank Verb
to show off Verb
to put on airs and graces Verb
to splurge Verb
to play act Verb
to give yourself airs Verb
to sport Verb
to put on airs Verb
to make a demonstration Verb
to flash something around Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Göstermek işi ve tarzı