harekete geçmek

  1. Verb to awaken
  2. Verb to come into action
  3. Verb to get the lead out of one's pants
  4. Verb to stir
  5. Verb to start
  6. Verb to step up to the plate
  7. Verb to act
  8. Verb to charge
  9. Verb to get moving
  10. Verb to move
  11. Verb to move off
  12. Verb to take action
to be off to a slow start Verb
to move on something Verb
to strike a blow for someone Verb
to strike a blow for someone Verb
to strike a blow for something Verb
to strike a blow for something Verb
to act to do something Verb
to move against something Verb
to strike a blow for something Verb
to take the enemy in flank Verb
to think on your feet Verb
to take action at the proper season Verb
to jump to the gun Verb