
  1. complaint
  2. Noun embarrassment
  3. unrest
  4. unease
  5. bile
  6. displeasure
  7. malaise
  8. hump
  9. restlessness
  10. uneasiness
  11. churn
  12. perturbation
  13. disquiet
  14. discomfort
  15. uncomfortable feeling
  16. inquietute
  17. uneasy feeling
  18. inquietude
  19. fitfulness
  20. uncomfortableness
  21. bobbery
  22. inquietness
revolution of the rising expectations
domestic troubles
political disturbance
political unrest
political disturbance
social unrest Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
disquieting news Noun
perturbing rumors Noun
to start agitation Verb
to create a disturbance Verb
to create (raise) a disturbance Verb
focus of unrest Noun
a hair in one's neck
to disturb the classes Verb
to cause considerable disquiet in some capitals Verb
to create social unrest Verb
creation of social unrest
to create social unrest Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Huzursuz olma ... rahatsızlık, tedirginlik