
  1. in
  2. inner
  3. interior
  4. inside
  5. into
  6. inner part
import (noun) Information Technology
to import (verb) Verb, Information Technology
to admit Verb
to welcome Verb
to let in Verb
to pull in Verb
to put someone in jail Verb
to inject Verb
to usher Verb
(col) to lose money in a business deal Verb
to enter Verb
to come in Verb
to want in Verb
immigration (Kaynak: Evrim Çalışkanları) Noun
dented (car, etc.) Adjective
to send in Verb
terms of admission Noun
to refuse admittance Verb
to steal into Verb
introduction Noun
to admit Verb
to let in oneself Verb
to pick up someone Verb
to put someone away Verb
to pick up someone Verb
to bid someone to come in Verb
to ask someone in Verb
to lock someone in Verb
to send down someone Verb
to seal in something Verb
to go to prison for theft Verb
to wedge oneself in Verb
surreptitious entry
to let in someone with a latch-key Verb
to hold your stomach in Verb
to lead visitors in Verb
to take in ballast Verb
to infiltrate Verb
Come on in.

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. İçte kalan ... iç taraf