
  1. flight
  2. escape
  3. running
  4. evasion
  5. runaway
  6. desertion
  7. run
  8. running away
risk of absconding and tampering with evidence Noun, Criminal Law
flee from the country Verb, Law
overkill Noun
(US) draft evasion
handbag snatching
breach of prison
breach of prison
prison escape
prison breach
escape from prison
to break goal
prison breakout
prison breach breaking
hit and run accident
like a scalled cat
to play truant
evasion of currency laws
evasion of responsibility
fiscal evasion
flight from taxation
evasion of taxation
attempted escape
danger of absconding
hit-and-run offense Noun
to dodge a law Verb
hit and run offense
(car) hit-and-run offence