1. Zarf on the contrary
  2. cross
  3. counter
  4. awkward
  5. Zarf conversely
  6. Zarf adversely
  7. Zarf inversely
  8. au contraire
  9. rather
  10. (Lat.) vice versa
  11. on the contrary
  12. wrong-headedly
  13. the other way round
reverse burden of proof İsim, Hukuk
contrary to expectations
contrary to expectations
in direct contradiction
on the contrary Zarf
against the hair
disassemble Bilgi Teknolojileri
to invert Fiil
to reverse Fiil
reversibility İsim
fortune reversion
to reverse Fiil
to react Fiil
to reverse Fiil
reverse engineering Bilgi Teknolojileri
to swing right round Fiil
to strive against the stream Fiil
to be contrary to expectations Fiil
to reverse a procedure Fiil
to reverse a process Fiil
factor intensity reversal
swing of public opinion
to swing the vote Fiil
to swing the votes Fiil
turnover of sentiment İsim
to travel against the traffic Fiil