
  1. difficult
  2. particular
  3. cross
  4. careful
  5. accurate
  6. delicate
  7. Adjective selective
  8. Adjective thorough
  9. impatient
  10. demanding
  11. sour
  12. perverse
  13. Adjective meticulous
  14. Adjective conscientious
  15. fussy
  16. quick
  17. dainty
  18. Adjective fastidious
  19. Adjective scrupulous
  20. touchy
  21. Adjective assiduous
  22. nice
  23. choosy
  24. queasy
  25. prudish
  26. ticklish
  27. picky
  28. querulous
  29. finicky
  30. peevish
  31. pernickety
  32. crusty
  33. chary
  34. discriminating
  35. old maid
  36. overparticular
  37. pricky
  38. exacting
  39. hard to please
  40. liverish
  41. verjuiced
rigorous Adjective
slow coach
scrupulous in money matters
careful nursing
exact scholar
carefully Adverb
closely Adverb
duty of diligence
to fuss Verb
to use diligence Verb
rigorous accuracy
close going over
careful examination
neat work
exacting employer
to give one's best attention to an order Verb
to be intent on getting to the office in time Verb
to cross t's Verb
to be particular as regards one's choice of friends Verb
to niggle Verb
to not to stand upon niceties Verb
to be very fastidious about one's dress Verb
to be too fussy about one's clothes Verb
to be negligent in one's supervision Verb
to be safety conscious Verb
to remiss in paying one's bills Verb
to be intent on one's business Verb
jack- in-office
to be scrupulous to a fault Verb
to give one's best attention to an order Verb
to be fastidious about one's food Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Çok dikkatli ... dikkat eden