
  1. Noun, Law detainee
  2. Adjective, Law under arrest
  3. prisoner
  4. lag
  5. convict
  6. arrested person
  7. jailbird
  8. person who is under arrest
pre-trial detention Noun, Law
Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners Noun, International Law
prisoner at the bar
prisoner on trial
sick detainee Noun, Law
prisoner under sentence
unlawfully detained
political detainee
civilian detainee
civilian detainees
prisoner of state
political detainee
detained juveniles Noun, Law
prisoner's statement Noun
to be remanded in custody Verb
detained person
to be remanded in custody Noun
patrol wagon Noun, Transport
to detain in custody Verb
treatment of detainees and convicts Noun, Rights-Freedoms
detained foreigner Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
pre-trial detention Noun, Law
detention barracks
to hold someone on charge of theft Verb
(US) person detained for hearing
person detained for hearing
to keep in custody until trial Verb
(Br) junior detention centre
junior detention centre
to remand someone in custody Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Kānun yoluyle ... , mevkuf