
  1. Fiil to chew over
  2. Fiil to cogitate
  3. Fiil to contemplate
  4. Fiil to contrive
  5. Fiil to deem
  6. Fiil to deliberate
  7. Fiil to entertain
  8. Fiil to figure
  9. Fiil to give thought to
  10. Fiil to meditate
  11. Fiil to plan
  12. Fiil to puzzle over
  13. Fiil to reckon
  14. Fiil to reflect
  15. Fiil to revolve
  16. Fiil to speculate
  17. Fiil to study
  18. Fiil to think of
  19. Fiil to think about
  20. Fiil to worry about
  21. Fiil to approach
  22. Fiil to believe
  23. Fiil to believe that
  24. Fiil to come up with something
  25. Fiil to consider
  26. Fiil to cross someone's mind
  27. Fiil to expect
  28. Fiil to feel
  29. Fiil to have a think
  30. Fiil to mean to
  31. Fiil to occur to someone
  32. Fiil to purpose
  33. Fiil to reason
  34. Fiil to suppose
  35. Fiil to think
  36. Fiil to view
to hear and determine Fiil
to pore over ... Fiil
to reason whether Fiil
to think outside the box Fiil
to envisage a career in research Fiil
to think as a European Fiil
to think as a etuc Fiil
to prescind Fiil
to consider buying a car Fiil
to have a job in prospect Fiil
to have a job in prospect Fiil
to think twice Fiil
to dwell at greater length on a subject Fiil
to deliberate upon a question Fiil
to think over Fiil
to feel equal to a task Fiil
to consider an offer Fiil
to consider a proposal Fiil
to think a proposal over Fiil
to consider the details of a proposal Fiil
to have a step in mind Fiil
to think up some routes for a trip Fiil
to have a high opinion of sb Fiil
to think well of sb Fiil
to have high opinion of sb Fiil
to think badly of someone Fiil
to think less of someone Fiil
to think of someone as a candidate Fiil
to think of someone as candidate Fiil
to lust after someone Fiil
to think of someone Fiil
to put someone in one's will Fiil
to consider someone safe for a credit of $ 400 Fiil
to think of someone as something Fiil
to be struck on someone Fiil
to give something thought Fiil
to give something thought Fiil
to ask yourself something Fiil
to think over something Fiil
to think out something Fiil
to ask yourself something Fiil
to take something into account Fiil
to look at something Fiil
to take account of something Fiil
to give something thought Fiil
to think out something Fiil
to look at something Fiil
to think over something Fiil
to work out something Fiil
to think out something Fiil
to think over something Fiil
to look at something Fiil
to consider whether to do something Fiil
to debate doing something Fiil
to look before you leap Fiil
to consider it necessary to do something Fiil
to debate doing something Fiil
to consider doing something Fiil
to work out something Fiil
to attribute something to someone Fiil
to see something as something Fiil
to view something as something Fiil
to be struck on something Fiil
to reason out something Fiil
to agree with something Fiil
to think nothing of something Fiil
to think through something Fiil
to believe in doing something Fiil
to consider it necessary to do something Fiil
to have some thoughts of going to africa this summer Fiil
to think big Fiil
to put one's thinking on Fiil
to intend marriage Fiil
to mean business Fiil
to beat your brains out Fiil
to think straight Fiil
to argue correctly Fiil
to bethink Fiil
to think straight Fiil
to debate Fiil
to debate with yourself Fiil
to beat your brains out Fiil
to ratiocinate Fiil
to philosophize Fiil
to think back Fiil
to look ahead Fiil
to think it necessary Fiil
to deem well of sth Fiil
to reconsider Fiil
to hard thinking Fiil
to look ahead Fiil
to work out Fiil
to think twice Fiil
to debate with yourself Fiil
to debate Fiil
to brood Fiil
to consult one's own interest Fiil
to consult one's own advantage Fiil
to intend one's own advantage Fiil
to intend one's business Fiil
to think to yourself Fiil
to consult one's own interest Fiil
to think oneself ill- used Fiil
to kick around Fiil
to think bad thoughts Fiil
to have bad thoughts Fiil
to think of pennies Fiil
to think it possible Fiil
to debate what to do Fiil
to debate what to do Fiil
to mean one's son to succeed Fiil
to believe so Fiil
to think only of yourself Fiil
to take a short view Fiil
to argue incorrectly Fiil
to think straight Fiil
to think straight Fiil
to think aloud Fiil
to think out loud Fiil
to flirt with Fiil
to have a one track- mind Fiil
to think a proposal over Fiil
to think twice Fiil
to intend for the medical profession Fiil
to beat your brains out Fiil
to ponder Fiil
to consider Fiil
to balance Fiil
to digest Fiil
to mean a house for one's daughter Fiil
to hold out the prospects of a new flat Fiil
to rethink Fiil
to cross that bridge when you come to it Fiil
to contemplate a visit Fiil
It's the thought that counts.
to get something on the brain Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Zihninde bir şey canlandırmak, elde edilen ... düşünce meydana getirmek, fikretmek
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