1. İsim, Hukuk waiver
  2. İsim sacrifice
  3. departure
  4. resignation
  5. denial
  6. demise
  7. surrender
  8. renounce
  9. remission
  10. renunciation
  11. altruism
  12. abdication
  13. self-denial
  14. abnegation
  15. cession
  16. abjuration
  17. İsim relinquishment
  18. self-renunciation
  19. (right) abandonment
  20. remise
  21. weanedness
relinquishment of a right
resignation of one's right
disclaimer of a right
renunciation of a right
relinquishment of succession
surrender of a patent
renunciation of dower
withdrawal of the appeal
waiver of claim İsim, Hukuk
waiver of right
renunciation of a succession
relinquishment İsim, Hukuk
waiver of the statute of limitations
implied waiver
antiwaiver clause
antiwaiver clause
notice of renunciation
declaration of abandonment
to file a disclaimer Fiil
assigns İsim
abandonment İsim
to abandon Fiil
to disclaim Fiil
to resign Fiil
to cede Fiil
to relinquish Fiil
to abnegate Fiil
to lay down Fiil
to remise Fiil
to renounce Fiil
to waive Fiil, Hukuk
to act generously Fiil
to make no demands Fiil
(receiver's) right of disclaim
letter of renunciation
contract of record
to abdicate Fiil
to relinquish a debt Fiil
surrender of a right
to disclaim a right Fiil
to discontinue a right Fiil
to resign a right Fiil
to relinquish a right Fiil
to waiver a right Fiil
to divest oneself of a right Fiil
to resign an inheritance Fiil
to waive one's claim to the estate Fiil
to abandon a patent Fiil
to cease sth Fiil
to give of something Fiil
to waive one's right to immunity Fiil
to waive one's right to immunity Fiil
to renounce one's title Fiil
to waive one's right Fiil
to forego one's rights Fiil
to surrender Fiil
to abandon a right Fiil
to waive notice Fiil
to renounce one's property Fiil
she has abnegated all her rights to the property
renouncement of one's property
self denial-
to abandon a patent Fiil
waiver of protest
to abdicate the crown Fiil
to renounce one's throne Fiil
to abdicate Fiil
to renounce one's throne Fiil
to renounce one's claim to the throne Fiil
to waive the statute of limitations Fiil
Medal of Distinguished Courage and Self-Sacrifice Özel Isim, Askerlik

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Hakkından isteyerek ... nazar etme