1. touch
  2. have
  3. Fiil to put away
  4. Fiil to drink
  5. Fiil to smoke
  6. Fiil to absorb
  7. Fiil to imbibe
  8. Fiil (alcoholic drink) to drink
  9. Fiil to have
  10. sop up
to water Fiil
to hit the bottle Fiil
to drink Fiil
to liquor up Fiil
to swear solemnly Fiil
to take an oath Fiil
to take an oath Fiil
to vow Fiil
to take oath Fiil
to swear Fiil
to make an oath Fiil
to drink like a fish Fiil
to drink to excess Fiil
to drink up Fiil
to drink down Fiil
to have a drink on sb Fiil
to propose sb's health Fiil
to drink to the health of sb Fiil
to drink tea Fiil
to swill Fiil
to drink deep Fiil
to partake freely of the bottle Fiil
to get outside of a good dinner Fiil
to guzzle Fiil
to put away something Fiil
to smoke hashish Fiil
to pledge the bride and bridegroom Fiil
to drink to the bride Fiil
to swig Fiil
to have a good feed Fiil
to quaff Fiil
to drink deep Fiil
to put back alcoholic drink Fiil
to have a drink on the house Fiil
to smoke a pipe Fiil
to drink something straight Fiil
to smoke Fiil
to drink to the lees Fiil
to pledge Fiil
to smoke Fiil
to whistle for it Fiil
to feast Fiil
to wine and dine Fiil
to sup Fiil
to force down something Fiil
to force down something Fiil
the public are forbidden to smoke in the garage
smoking prohibited

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

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