1. darkness
  2. İsim conservation
  3. İsim reservation
  4. İsim preservation
  5. İsim retention
  6. secretion
  7. camouflage
  8. İsim concealment
  9. concealing
  10. retentiveness
  11. safe custody
separate custody İsim, Bankacılık
receiving stolen goods
energy conservation
abstraction of documents
professional discretion
fungible custody İsim, Bankacılık
counsel keeping
keeping a secret
secrecy İsim
storage device Bilgi Teknolojileri
custodian bank İsim, Bankacılık
custody account İsim, Bankacılık
custody services İsim, Bankacılık
food storage container, food container, food storage box İsim, Gıda ve Mutfak
storage conditions İsim, Ticaret
depository receipts
retention period İsim, Muhasebe
storage conditions İsim, Ticaret
deposit fee
to be of safe discretion Fiil
parcel room
external storage Bilgi Teknolojileri
direct access storage device Bilgi Teknolojileri
household refuse
food storage container, food container, food storage box İsim, Gıda ve Mutfak
to promise someone secrecy Fiil
data storage unit Bilgi Teknolojileri
data storage density Bilgi Teknolojileri
ISE Settlement and Custody Bank, Inc. İsim, Bankacılık