
district office Noun
inspection department Noun
claim department Noun
commercial intelligence department Noun
Section of EU and International Funds Noun, Organizations
subscription department Noun
no-delay traffic office Noun, Communication
actuarial department Noun
(insurance statistics) actuarial department Noun
trace and search department Noun
research arm Noun
research department Noun
experimental department Noun
recruiting office Noun, Military
Section of European Union General Coordination Noun, Organizations
Section of European Union Relations Noun, Organizations
Section of Accession Negotiations to European Union Noun, Organizations
Section of Evaluation of Minority Issues Noun, Organizations
government department Noun
bank loan department Noun
bank branch Noun, Banking
banking department Noun
budget department Noun
criminal investigation department Noun
clearing department Noun
neighbourhood bank branch Noun
statistical department Noun
distribution department Noun
Section of Foreign Relations Noun, Organizations
external affairs department Noun
foreign branch Noun
external department Noun
filing department Noun
education department Noun
economic-policy department Noun
trust department Noun
issue department Noun
police department Noun
merchandise department Noun
provincial branch Noun
branch plant Noun
coupon collection department Noun
billing department Noun
finance department Noun
chain drugstore Noun
Section of Tagging Noun, Organizations
fidelity department Noun
outfitting department Noun
news deparment Noun
news department Noun
operation department Noun
(insurance company) claim department Noun
statement department Noun
law (legal) department Noun
internal audit department Noun
store department Noun
construction department Noun
Section of Human Rights Noun, Organizations
operating department Noun
business branch Noun
statistical department Noun
intelligence department Noun
intelligence bureau Noun
Section of Smuggling Noun, Organizations
Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Department Noun, Public Administration
Section of Archiving, Recording for Smuggling Noun, Organizations
Section of Smuggling Operation and Appraisal Noun, Organizations
exchange department Noun
Section of Expropriation and Leasing Noun, Organizations
Section of Land and Aviation Facilities Noun, Organizations
Section of Final Account Noun, Organizations
loan department Noun
credit department Noun
ordinary department Noun
payroll department Noun
branch store Noun
(US) branch store Noun
finance department Noun
fiscal office Noun
revenue board Noun
inland revenue office Noun
cost department Noun
costing department Noun
Section of Demining and Border Physical Protection System Procurement Noun, Organizations
department of modern languages Noun
procurement division Noun
counting house Noun
bookkeeping department Noun
accounts department Noun
accounting department Noun
Section of Ammunition Procurement Noun, Organizations
narcotic division Noun
paying agent Noun
hotel subsidiary Noun
examination department Noun
patent department Noun
marketing subsidiary Noun
marketing department Noun
retail department Noun
personnel department Noun
staff department Noun
appointments department Noun
Section of Plan, Coordination and Administration Noun, Organizations
Section of Plan, Coordination and Communication Noun, Organizations
Section of Plan and Financial Management Noun, Organizations
Section of Plan and Project Noun, Organizations
Section of Planning and Coordination Noun, Organizations
Section of POL Facilities Noun, Organizations
post-office substation Noun
mail department Noun
branch post Noun
branch post-office Noun
Section of Projects Noun, Organizations
promotion department Noun
(US) promotion department Noun
editorial department Noun
publicity department Noun
department of licencing affairs Noun
personal loan department Noun
industrial division Noun
industrial division Noun
purchasing department Noun
buying and sales department Noun
sales department Noun
selling department Noun
sales branch Noun
merchandising department Noun
Security Section of Defence Industries Noun, Organizations
city branch Noun
Section of Martyrdom Management Noun, Organizations
bond department Noun
service department Noun
shipping department Noun
shipping department Noun
forwarding department Noun
insurance branch Noun
(US) affiliated corporation Noun
subcompany Noun
affiliated corporation Noun
subsidiary firm Noun
welfare department Noun
Section of Contract Processing Management Noun, Organizations
Section of Standardization Noun, Organizations
Section of Strategy Development Noun, Organizations
Section of TAFICS Project Management Noun, Organizations
tracer department Noun
collection department Noun
(US) thrift department Noun
thrift department Noun
country branch Noun
(life insurance) inspection department Noun
Section of Technical Information Center and Documentation Noun, Organizations
safety engineering department Noun
Section of Technical Specification Noun, Organizations
Anti-Terror Office Proper Name, Public Administration
Anti-Terror Office Proper Name, Public Administration
delivery department Noun
commercial credit department Noun
trademark section Noun
wholesale branch Noun
transportation department Noun
traffic department Noun
transit department Noun
Section of International Relations Noun, Organizations
Section of International Technical Services Noun, Organizations
production department Noun
productive department Noun
option department Noun
tax division Noun
tax collection office Noun
rate collector's office Noun
tax collection office Noun
cashier's department Noun
visa department Noun
foreign department Noun
Section for Foreigners Noun, Organizations
competition department Noun
investment department Noun
catering department Noun
Section of Management and Control Noun, Organizations
account-holding branch
chain organization
credit manager
assignment officer
assignments officer
advertising manager
Section of Naval Facilities Noun, Organizations
Section of Real Estate Management Noun, Organizations
Section of Litigious Affairs Management Noun, Organizations
Section of Construction Processing Management Noun, Organizations