1. Zarf clearly
  2. Zarf openly
  3. Zarf evidently
  4. Zarf obviously
  5. Zarf plainly
  6. Zarf manifestly
  7. Zarf patently
  8. Zarf plain
  9. Zarf apparently
  10. Zarf distinctly
  11. Zarf simply
  12. Zarf markedly
  13. Zarf explicitly
  14. Zarf flat
  15. Zarf definitely
  16. Zarf unmistakably
  17. Zarf outright
  18. Zarf downright
  19. Zarf expressly
to make plain Fiil
expressed in clear terms
unambiguous terms İsim
to clearly define Fiil
to represent and warrant Fiil
manifestly ill-founded Sıfat, Hukuk
plain folly
large as life (and twice as natural)
to stare Fiil
to manifest Fiil
to evince Fiil
to speak unreservedly Fiil
to swing round into clear disapproval Fiil
clearly evident Sıfat
to state expressly Fiil
to lay bare Fiil
to sound Fiil
to refuse flatly Fiil
point-blank refusal
flat refusal
to avouch Fiil
to put it bluntly Fiil
to profess Fiil
to be quite honest about it Fiil
to call a spade a spade Fiil
to speak out Fiil
to come clean Fiil
to stipulate expressly Fiil
to raise a stink Fiil
manifestly ill-founded Sıfat, Hukuk
to held up to public obloquy Fiil
express promise
to see clear in a matter Fiil
to make no bones about Fiil
to give it to someone straight Fiil
to make something plain to sb Fiil
to raise an outcry against sb Fiil
to post someone as a coward Fiil
to tackle someone about a matter Fiil
to flatly deny something Fiil
to say something to someone's face Fiil
to make one's meaning clear Fiil
to put the case clearly Fiil
to come out of the closet Fiil
to declare oneself Fiil
to tell the plaint truth Fiil
to tell the plain truth Fiil
to announce publicly Fiil
to wear your heart on your sleeve Fiil
to see clear in a matter Fiil
to frank concession of one's guilt Fiil
to tell someone a out (the a of it ,) Fiil
to make one's meaning perfectly plain Fiil