1. extend
  2. gain
  3. Fiil to arrive
  4. Fiil to attain
  5. Fiil to come at
  6. Fiil to draw into the station
  7. Fiil to fetch up
  8. Fiil, Ulaşım to get in
  9. Fiil to hit
  10. Fiil to arrive at
  11. Fiil to get to
  12. Fiil to get as far as
  13. Fiil (for a woman) to marry a man
  14. Fiil to appear
  15. Fiil to blow in
  16. Fiil to come
  17. Fiil to come along
  18. Fiil to come in
  19. Fiil to gain
  20. Fiil to lead to
  21. Fiil to make
  22. Fiil to make it
  23. Fiil to reach
to reach an 8-10 % plateau next year Fiil
to arrive at a verdict Fiil
to talk a fast trade Fiil
to be extremely pleased Fiil
to make an arrangement with one's creditors Fiil
to come to an arrangement with one's creditors Fiil
to come to terms with one's creditors Fiil
to make a composition with one's creditors Fiil
to attain one's object Fiil
to attain one's end by diplomacy Fiil
to click Fiil
to come to terms with sb Fiil
to come to terms Fiil
to close a deal Fiil
to get clear Fiil
to reach an agreement Fiil
to close Fiil
to make out Fiil
to register Fiil
to notice Fiil
to distinguish Fiil
to reach a certain stage Fiil
to comprehend Fiil
to reach an understanding Fiil
to reach a settlement Fiil
to come to an agreement Fiil
to arrive at an agreement Fiil
to come to an understanding Fiil
to come to an arrangement Fiil
to arrange a case out of court Fiil
to arrive at a decision Fiil
to reach a decision Fiil
to come to a determination Fiil
to come to a verdict Fiil
to conclude Fiil
to come to a decision Fiil
to enter into a composition with someone over sth Fiil
to conclude Fiil
to reach a conclusion Fiil
to arrive at a conclusion Fiil
to come to a conclusion Fiil
to agree a strategy Fiil
to reach agreement on sth Fiil
to reach an agreement on sth Fiil
to take cognizance of sth Fiil
to reach a settlement Fiil
to blow into something Fiil
to form a view on sb Fiil
to arrive at an agreement with sb Fiil
to come to an understanding with sb Fiil
to arrive at an understanding with sb Fiil
to arrange a settlement with sb Fiil
to come to an explanation with sb Fiil
to agree with someone on something Fiil
to agree with someone on something Fiil
to be struck by something Fiil
to become conscious of something Fiil
to indulge in something Fiil
to reach the end of the chapter Fiil
to stipulate with the plaintiff Fiil
to culminate Fiil
to win the summit Fiil
to top Fiil
to arrange amicably Fiil
to figure out (at) Fiil
to decide on inadequate grounds Fiil
to be in full swing Fiil
to come to a climax Fiil
to notice Fiil
to discover Fiil
to know Fiil
to see Fiil
to register Fiil
to feel Fiil
to realise Fiil
to note Fiil
to become aware of Fiil
to take notice of sth Fiil
to come round Fiil
to reach consensus Fiil
to come around Fiil
to see eye to eye Fiil
to reach consensus Fiil
to work one's will Fiil
to reach a verdict Fiil, Hukuk
to effect a settlement between two parties Fiil
to appreciate a holiday Fiil
to enjoy every minute of one's holiday Fiil
to arrive at a decision Fiil
to render a decision Fiil
to come to a determination Fiil
to reach a verdict Fiil, Hukuk
to come to a head Fiil
to come to a tentative conclusion Fiil
to short circuit Fiil
to win to the shore Fiil
to husband Fiil
(woman) to marry Fiil
to lose all sense of proportion Fiil
to come to something Fiil
to come to a head Fiil
to reach port safely Fiil
to reach a port safely Fiil
to fetch the harbour Fiil
to reach port Fiil
to agree Fiil
to come to an agreement Fiil
to reach unanimity Fiil
to reach one's majority Fiil
to come to a pinch Fiil
to arrive at a conclusion Fiil
to draw a conclusion Fiil
to reason Fiil
to make Fiil, Aritmetik
to come to the conclusion that Fiil
to reason that Fiil
to draw conclusions Fiil
to enjoy something to the full Fiil
to appreciate fully the beauty of sth Fiil
to come to a definite understanding Fiil
jump to conclusions Fiil, Deyim
to induce Fiil
to reach an agreement Fiil
to effect a composition Fiil
to reach consensus Fiil
to come to an accomodation Fiil
to gain one's destination Fiil
to reach its destination Fiil
to reason that Fiil
to reason Fiil
to attain the age limit Fiil
to stipulate in writing Fiil
to agree on something in writing Fiil
to agree upon something in writing Fiil
to regain Fiil
to reach one's journey's end Fiil
to arrive on time Fiil
to marry a fortune Fiil
to indulge Fiil
to carry on negotiations for a settlement Fiil
to get to the core of a subject Fiil
to carry on negotiations for a settlement Fiil
to not know what someone is driving at Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Ulaşmak, vâsıl olmak