1. vicariously
  2. by commission
  3. per uprocuration (p . up .)
  4. on supply
  5. by proxy
  6. Sıfat, Hukuk per procurationem
  7. Sıfat, Hukuk per pro.
  8. Sıfat, Hukuk p. proc.
  9. Sıfat, Hukuk p. pro.
  10. Sıfat, Hukuk p.p.
signature by procuration
per procurationem signature İsim, Hukuk
to step in as sb's substitute Fiil
indorsement in representative capacity
per pro . indorsement
indorsement per procuration
to stand in for sb Fiil
commissional business
action as deputy
to act as deputy Fiil
per procuration signature
procuration signature
to sign by proxy Fiil
vicarious authority
voting by proxy
proxy voting
voting procedure of proxy
to proxy voting Fiil
to vote by proxy Fiil
management by delegation
appearance by counsel
appearance by attorney
in person or by proxy Zarf, Hukuk
by proxy Zarf, Hukuk
allograph İsim, Hukuk
appearance by attorney

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