bir araya

articulation Noun
concentration Noun
to band together Verb
to meet up Verb
to congregate Verb
to club together Verb
to assemble Verb
to meet Verb
to gather Verb
to combine Verb
to happen at the same time Verb
to come together Verb
to convene Verb
to group Verb
to conjoin Verb
to mass Verb
to get together Verb
to join Verb
to fair Verb
omnibus claim Noun
composition Noun
conjunction Noun
compilation Noun
articulation Noun
concentration Noun
to combine Verb
to string together Verb
to mass Verb
to gather Verb
to tag together Verb
to throw together Verb
to heap together Verb
to fuse Verb
to congregate Verb
to put together Verb
to fit together Verb
to tack together Verb
to gather together Verb
to assemble Verb
to lump Verb
to rake up Verb
to pool Verb
to huddle Verb
to club Verb
to aggregate Verb
to bunch Verb
to cluster Verb
to scrap together Verb
to scrape together Verb
to patch together Verb
to gather one's friends together Verb
to segregate Verb
to gather up the threads of a story Verb
productive efficiency relative efficiency
to bring together someone Verb
to meet with someone Verb
to be comprised of something Verb
to be comprised of something Verb
to sum up the evidence Verb
to link records Verb
to gather the facts Verb
to lump with Verb
to come into line Verb
to keep one's head above water Verb
to have difficulties in making both ends meet Verb
to make both ends meet Verb
to make (both) ends meet Verb
to punctuate Verb
to call a huddle Verb
to bring offers of employment into touch with applications for employment Verb
to mix business with pleasure Verb
to clip papers together Verb
to lump items together Verb
to build up a case Verb
to pool one's resources Verb
concurrence of circumstances
conjunction of circumstances
to piece together Verb
to consolidate business companies Verb
to scrape together a few dollar for the holiday Verb
to tack securities Verb
to scratch together Verb
to scrabble the pennies together Verb
to reunite after long years of separation Verb
to reassemble Verb
unforeseen concourse of circumstances
to interpose an objection Verb
to slip in a word Verb
to mediate a settlement Verb
to mediate a peace Verb