1. Zarf suddenly
  2. Zarf sharply
  3. Zarf instantly
  4. Zarf abruptly
  5. Sıfat all of a sudden
  6. Zarf rudely
  7. off the top
at once
to flash Fiil
to fall sharply Fiil
to exclaim Fiil
eruption İsim
to present itself Fiil
to jump up Fiil
to launch into something Fiil
to launch into something Fiil
to conk Fiil
to chop Fiil
to pull up short Fiil
to fall sharply Fiil
to click Fiil
to stop short Fiil
to lightning strike Fiil
to run up against difficulties Fiil
to be taken ill Fiil
to lunge Fiil
to plunge Fiil
to present itself Fiil
to bob up Fiil
to blow in Fiil
to blow up Fiil
to flash Fiil
to strike out Fiil
to come over nervous Fiil
to flip Fiil
to interject Fiil
to bump something up Fiil
to strike it rich Fiil
to surge ahead (forward) Fiil
to swing out of a side street Fiil
to flash a sudden light upon a mystery Fiil
to blow into something Fiil
to strike out at someone Fiil
collapse of the prices
initial violent recession
sharp rebound of the market