
  1. Fiil to bind down
  2. Fiil to bound
  3. Fiil to circumscribe
  4. Fiil to confine
  5. Fiil to curb
  6. Fiil to delimit
  7. Fiil to narrow
  8. Fiil to scant
  9. Fiil to terminate
  10. Fiil to limit
  11. Fiil to restrict
  12. Fiil to restrain
  13. Fiil to constrain
  14. Fiil to contain
  15. Fiil to inhibit
  16. Fiil to put a limit
to lay off Fiil
to mark out a plot of a ground Fiil
to restrict the scope of an article Fiil
to define the powers of a court Fiil
to confine the use of sth Fiil
to restrain sb's activities Fiil
to curtail sb's rights Fiil
to impose limitations upon sb's limitation of action Fiil
to define sb's powers Fiil
to restrict cultivation Fiil
to limit functions Fiil
to limit rights Fiil
to restrain rights Fiil
to restrict freedom of movement Fiil
to restrict the freedom of movement Fiil
to restrict the consumption of alcohol Fiil
to circumscribe one's interests Fiil
to choke back imports Fiil
to curb imports Fiil
to choke back import Fiil
to stake out Fiil
to stake Fiil
to confine oneself to the subject Fiil
to stint oneself Fiil
to confine oneself Fiil
to contract credit Fiil
to peg out a claim Fiil
to define the powers of a court Fiil
to put a stop the expenditure Fiil
to put a stop to expenditure Fiil
to impose limitations on one's expenditure Fiil
to limit one's expenditure Fiil
to limit one's expenses Fiil
curb domestic demand Fiil
to restrict to thirty miles an hour in built-up areas Fiil
to curb the money supply Fiil
to restrict competition Fiil
to restrain trade Fiil
to restrain competition Fiil
to quarantine a war Fiil
to quarantine a war Fiil
to quarantine a war Fiil
to cut the rations Fiil
to curb wages Fiil
to limit production Fiil
to combination in restraint of trade Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Sınırını çizmek, sınırını belirlemek