1. İsim, Psikoloji vignette
  2. fact
  3. affair
  4. incident
  5. occurrence
  6. happening
  7. occasion
  8. case
  9. facts of the case
  10. event
  11. case in point
COVID-19 case İsim, Tıp
coronavirus disease case İsim, Viroloji
coronavirus disease case İsim, Viroloji
case-fatality rate (CFR) İsim, Tıp
mental element
urgent case
case of emergency
case of urgency
parallel case
facts constituting the case of action
leading case
heavy case
hard case
marginal case
difficult case
case difficult to deal with
individual case
interesting case
concrete case
exceptional case
case in point
confirmed case İsim, Tıp
clinical case
physical fact
confirmed case İsim, Tıp
individual case
particular case
false fact
borderline case İsim, Psikanaliz
concrete case
the present case İsim, Hukuk
isolated case
hopeless case
fabricated fact
hopeless case
lost cause İsim
moot case
case study
case study İsim, Psikoloji
case study (Kaynak: Evrim Çalışkanları) İsim
place of the incident
vignette İsim, Psikoloji
vignette İsim, Psikoloji
case presentation İsim, Tıp
case definition İsim, Tıp
case management İsim, Tıp
to make no provision for a case of this kind Fiil
to make no provisions for a case of this kind Fiil
to constitute a leading case Fiil
a precıdent Fiil
attack rate
in each specific case
official statement of facts
to be past all hope Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

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