
  1. store
  2. hold
  3. storage
  4. barn
  5. depot
  6. repository
  7. locker
  8. repertory
  9. storeroom
  10. staple
  11. thesaurus
  12. storehouse
  13. crib
  14. granary
  15. depository
  16. stockroom
  17. hutch
  18. bunker
  19. warehouse
  20. storage closeout
  21. bin
  22. depositee
  23. storage depot
  24. loft building
  25. staple house
  26. stock room
  27. storage yard
  28. store shed
  29. store warehouse
  30. utility room
  31. warehouse room
  32. grain cellar
  33. trucking firm
  34. (ship) hold
  35. wareroom
dutch barn
(naut) hatchway
tonnage opening
warehouse certificate
store's ledger
warehouse keeper's order Noun
warehouse account
warehouse capacity
(mar) hatch
hatch cover
dock warrant
warehouse warrant
deposit warrant
storeroom clerk
store clerk
stock clerk
stock room clerk
warehouse official
store location
store number
warehouse head
warehouse bill
warehouse certificate
to secure by warrant Verb
visit of store
store of visit
ex-warehouse price
warehouse rates
store management
to issue a warehouse warrant for goods Verb
main hatch
transferable warrant

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. İçine erzak ve eşyâ konan büyük ... bu işe ayrılan bölümü