
  1. Noun, Biology thorax (Kaynak: Evrim Çalışkanları)
  2. heart
  3. Anatomy bosom
  4. Anatomy breast
  5. Anatomy chest
  6. Anatomy thorax
  7. forward part
  8. petto
low-cut Adjective, Clothing-Fashion
chest X-ray Noun, Medicine
chest film Noun, Medicine
breast cancer Noun, Medicine
breast carcinoma Noun, Medicine
breast cancer Noun, Medicine
breast carcinoma Noun, Medicine
vital statistics
chest pain Noun, Medicine
chest cavity Noun, Anatomy
thoracic surgery
chest tube Noun, Medical Equipment
chest drain Noun, Medical Equipment
intercostal drain Noun, Medical Equipment
to sigh Verb
to confront Verb
to stand up to Verb
to brave Verb
to face Verb
to breast Verb
(combat) at close quarters
hand-to-hand fight
close combat Noun, Military
to come to close quarters Verb
to fight hand to hand Verb
hand- to hand- fight
confusion of battle
chest X-ray Noun, Medicine
chest film Noun, Medicine
chest diseases Noun, Diseases
pulmonary disorders Noun, Diseases
chest conditions Noun, Diseases
pulmonary diseases Noun, Diseases
pulmonology Noun, Employment
pulmonologist Noun, Employment
rib cage Noun, Anatomy
bust measurement
to heave Verb
chest trauma Noun, Medicine
chest tube Noun, Medical Equipment
chest drain Noun, Medical Equipment
intercostal drain Noun, Medical Equipment
mammilla Noun, Anatomy
nipple Noun, Anatomy
teat Noun, Livestock
nipple cover Noun
modesty pad Noun
to live down a scandal Verb
to go through fire and water Verb
to take the bull by the horns Verb
to confront difficulties Verb
to wash in all dangers Verb
to defy all competition Verb
cardiothoracic surgery Noun, Medicine
to walk on the brink Verb, Politics-Intl. Relations
to meet the crisis Verb
to meet competition Verb
to face the consequence Verb
roll with the punches Verb
ride with the punches Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Vücûdun boyunla karın arasında bulunan ve ... bölümü, bağır, döş, sîne