1. İsim, Hukuk descendant
  2. İsim, Hukuk descendants
  3. grandchildren
  4. lineage
  5. children
  6. (Lat.) exitus
  7. lawful issue
  8. leave no issue
  9. lineal descendant
legal issue
direct descendant
immediate heir
issue in tail
legitimate descendant
legitimate offspring
ancestors and descendants İsim, Hukuk
relationship existing between ascendants and decendants
lineal consanguinity İsim, Hukuk
relatives in the direct line
relation by lineal descent
lineal consanguinity İsim, Hukuk
line of consanguinity İsim, Hukuk
lineal consanguinity İsim, Hukuk
direct relationship
kinship in the direct line

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Dallar, budaklar, ... önemsiz meseleler
  2. Aşağı