
  1. corporate
  2. judicial
  3. jurisprudential
  4. nomothetic
  5. legal
  6. juridic(al)
natural person Noun, Law
individual Noun, Law
physical person Noun, Law
YANLIŞ: real person Noun, Law
natural person and legal entity Noun, Law
natural person or legal entity Noun, Law
public-law legal entity Noun, Law
private-law legal entity Noun, Law
nationality of legal persons Noun, International Law
Convention Concerning the Recognition of the Legal Personality of Foreign Companies, Associations and Institutions Noun, International Law
corporate donor Noun
legal entity Noun, Law
legal person Noun, Law
juridical person Noun, Law
juridical entity Noun, Law
artificial person Noun, Law
corporate rights Noun
civil corporation
corporate franchise
incorporated company Noun
not incorporated
participating company
unincorporated company
unincorporated company
retention of legal personality Noun, Law
to disincorporate Verb
to be incorporated Verb
corporate powers Noun
voluntary association
corporate purpose
natural and legal persons Noun, Law
private corporation
business entity concept
public corporation
public legal entity Noun, Law
private-law legal entity Noun, Law
public corporation

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Hükmî