
  1. provision
  2. supply
  3. Noun preparation
  4. Noun procurement
  5. preparing
  6. procuring
  7. procuration
  8. getting (some things) together
scanty supply
coordinated procurement
current supply
continuous supply
area of supply
minister of supply
procuring agency Noun
requisition journal
supply situation
supply house
supplier's invoice
supplier's price
supplier's costs Noun
supplier's instruction
supplier company
supplier's country
quantity supplied
to indent Verb
to furnish Verb
to provide Verb
to provision Verb
to supply Verb
to procure Verb
to purvey Verb
supply ship
to make necessary preparations Verb
supply difficulties Noun
supply service
Section of Procurement Law Affairs Noun, Organizations
procurement transactions Noun
procurement authorization
supply capacity
procurement agency
(US) procurement agency
supply schedule
supply conditions Noun
terms of supply Noun
supply system
system of supply
supply problem
supply contract
procurement contract
supply chain Noun
supply chain management Noun
military specification
to horse Verb
initial outlay Noun
to supply to the trade Verb
to procure information Verb
to supply a ship with provisions Verb
to provide with oneself Verb
to float a company Verb
to provide something for someone Verb
to provide someone with something Verb
to supply something to someone Verb
to supply someone with something Verb
to provide someone with something Verb
to provide something for someone Verb
to supply the capital for sth Verb
to lay in a stock of provisions Verb
to lay in Verb
to draw one's supply from .. Verb
to habilitate Verb
to ladle out funds Verb
to lay up provisions Verb
to take in a Verb
to recruit supplies Verb
to oversupply Verb
to provide with funds Verb
general procurment board
to rig oneself out Verb
to make the necessary funds available Verb
to be provided for Verb
material analysis
to raise equity finance Verb
to procure goods Verb
to find one's furniture Verb
to supply oneself with goods Verb
to lay stores for winter Verb
to provide housing Verb
to procure a housing Verb
to supply goods on credit Verb
procuration fee (money)
inability to supply goods
main (major) supplier
supplier of goods
supplying firm
to procure goods Verb
to be prepared to supply goods Verb
to refuse to supply goods Verb
merchandise procurement cost
to furnish an army with supplies Verb
to purvey for the army Verb
to procure money Verb
to furnish with funds Verb
to supply only to wholesalers Verb
capital raiser
furnisher of capital
capital raising
to procure funds Verb
to furnish capital Verb
to procure capital Verb
to raise capital Verb
supply centre (center ,)
to supply only wholesalers Verb
to be well provided with capital Verb
catering establishment
to victual Verb
to cater Verb
Department of Current Goods and Services Procurement Noun, Organizations
Section of Naval Weapons and Vessels Procurement Noun, Organizations
Section of General Material Procurement Noun, Organizations
Section of Air Weapons and Aircraft Procurement Noun, Organizations
Section of Land Weapons and Vessels Procurement Noun, Organizations
ministry of supply
Section of Demining and Border Physical Protection System Procurement Noun, Organizations
Department of Modernization Goods and Services Procurement Noun, Organizations
EPC Contract Noun, Construction
Section of Ammunition Procurement Noun, Organizations
Deputy Undersecretariat of Procurement and Construction Noun, Organizations
Section of International Agreement Based Goods and Service Procurement Noun, Organizations

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Edinme, sağlama, ... elde etme