
  1. expel
  2. repulse
  3. Verb to send away
  4. Verb to banish
  5. Verb to cashier
  6. Verb to cast out
  7. Verb to chase
  8. Verb to drive
  9. Verb to drive away
  10. Verb to drive out
  11. Verb to eject
  12. Verb to fend off
  13. Verb to oust
  14. Verb to out
  15. Verb to pack someone off
  16. Verb to run out
  17. Verb to sack
  18. Verb to send about one's business
  19. Verb to turf out
  20. Verb to turn away
  21. Verb to turn out
  22. Verb to expel
  23. Verb to dismiss
  24. Verb to send someone away
  25. Verb to boot out
  26. Verb to chuck out
  27. beat off
  28. pack off
  29. cast out
to expel a child from school Verb
to give a servant the sack Verb
to send an employee away Verb
to expel a student from college Verb
to ship a student Verb
to oust a rival from office Verb
to oust a rival from office Verb
to expel a member Verb
to remove someone from something Verb
to turn someone out of the house Verb
to order someone out of the house Verb
to kick someone out of his job Verb
to kick someone out of his job Verb
to give someone sack Verb
to give someone the canvass Verb
to give someone the push Verb
to give someone the sack Verb
to give someone his cards Verb
to show someone the door Verb
to give someone the bag Verb
to send someone packing Verb
to kiss off Verb
to cast out someone Verb
to kick someone out Verb
to ease out of office Verb
to send someone away with a flea in his ear Verb
to cast out something Verb
to hold off the enemy Verb
to drive the enemy out of the country Verb
to ferret out Verb
to dismiss a servant Verb
to put workers on the street Verb
to give the bullet Verb
to axe Verb
to give the sack Verb
to ease out of office Verb
to can Verb
to turn out a tenant Verb
to fire Verb
to give someone his cards Verb
to hunt from the village Verb
to expel from college Verb
to send someone down Verb
to expel from school Verb
to send someone packing Verb
to oust from the market Verb
to force out of the market Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Uzaklaşmasını, gitmesini ... yanından defetmek