
  1. transport
  2. traffic
  3. carriage
  4. haul
  5. shipping
  6. Noun transportation
  7. Noun shipment
  8. forwarding
  9. conveying
  10. freighting
conveyance by rail
surface transportation
transatlantic transport
conveyance by sea
transport by air
transport by air
carriage on hire
outbound transportation
inland transport (ation
consolidated shipment
conveyance by water
trade transport
conveyance in mass
line haul movement
trucking company
transport agency
transportation agency
freight house
freight room
forwarding firm
transportation enterprise
carrying agent
to run a transport business Verb
cargo jet Noun, Aviation
clearance capacity
transportation contract
cargo clerk
transportation accounting Noun
transport contractor
peril of transportation
transport risk Noun
transportation industry
transport services
trucking service
shipping insurance Noun
transportation insurance Noun
transport insurance Noun
tranportation insurance Noun
to be lost in transport Verb
trucking firm
carrying company
transportation company
trucking agency
forwarding company
transport company
freight corporation
transportation equipment
forwarding business
transport charges
transportation expert
carriage road
to cope with the transportation burden Verb
to cope with the transportation burden Verb
(US) maritime worker
maritime worker
shipping earnings
marine perils Noun
shipping company
floating trade
removal company
airway bill
inland maritime insurance Noun
inland marine insurance Noun
public transportation company
common trucking company
coastal shipping
right of floating
right of floating
European Convention for the Protection of Animals During International Transport Noun, International Law

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. İnsan, mal vb